Legal information for suppliers

Strong partners wanted.


"Made by B.PRO" is a promise of quality, function, design and service.

And in order to keep it, we need like-minded suppliers, financial partners, service providers and consultants. Partners at home and abroad who understand exactly what we want and what is important to us:

  • Mutual trust
  • Long-term relationships
  • High-quality performance based on fair criteria
  • Early involvement in task definition
  • Favouring competitive regional suppliers over international competitors
  • Limited lenders with a high level of trust
  • Acceptance of our environmental and sustainability standards

Partnership as paramount

True to the B.PRO motto of "By professionals for professionals", we are looking for competent partners at home and abroad who want to follow this guiding principle together with us. Our corporate and environmental guidelines stand at the forefront of all our partnerships:

  • Our relationships are based on mutual trust.
  • We strive for reliable long-term relationships.
  • We assess the performance of our suppliers and lenders based on demanding but fair criteria.
  • We involve our suppliers in the development of our products and solutions at an early stage.
  • Our procurement market is international. We give competitive local suppliers special opportunities.
  • We want to limit ourselves to a small number of lenders and work with them in a trusting, open and collaborative partnership.

Supplier portal

With its supplier portal, the B.PRO Group pursues the following aims:

  • Efficient management of supplier data
  • Improved communication between supplier and purchasing department
  • Targeted supplier development to build long-term relationships

Would you like to become a supplier to the B.PRO Group?

We look forward to working with you! Simply click on the registration button and answer the questionnaire. Once we have received your registration, we will send you an email with your personal access details (user ID and password) for the supplier portal.

Register on the Blanc & Fischer Group supplier portal now!

Please note that the supplier portal cannot be used with mobile devices. You can also find more information about registering and using the portal in the following documentation:
