B.PRO Catering News

From practical experience, tips and tricks of the trade to recipes - B.PRO News is for anyone who wants to delve deeper into the world of professional kitchens. Benefit from concentrated industry knowledge!

Catering News

We will keep you up to date with our catering news:

  • Get product tips and insights from the various application areas in food logistics - from individual solutions to complete process infrastructures.
  • Find out how catering companies around the world are developing innovative and individual solutions to create optimal and efficient processes.
  • Our experts offer insights and share their extensive knowledge and experience: read about the trends and technologies in catering, such as robotics, and the directions in which the market is developing.
  • You can also discover delicious recipes and creative menu ideas developed by renowned chefs and catering experts.

Let our contributions inspire you: from the different perspectives of our employees and partners, as well as with examples and experiences from practice.