B.PRO press service

Would you like to report on B.PRO as a media representative? We would be happy to assist you and provide text and image material or arrange individual interviews and appointments.

Our press service for media representatives

Are you a journalist and would like more information? We would be happy to assist you further - from individual statements and interviews to filming appointments. Get in touch with our press contact Markus Brieskorn.

If you are not a media representative but would like to get in touch with B.PRO, please feel free to use our main contact details.

Press releases

You will find our current press releases for your reporting on B.PRO here. Are you looking for further information from our archives? Please get in touch with our press contact Markus Brieskorn.

Markus Brieskorn
Markus Brieskorn
Head of Live and Digital Communications

B.PRO GmbH press releases